Here are three of the most notable Niagara Falls daredevils. The first is Annie Taylor who, in 1901, dropped 158 feet over Horseshoe Falls in a barrel and became the first man or woman to survive it. Click to enlarge the photo and note the cat on the barrel’s rim.
The second daredevil is The Great Bandini who, in 1859, was the first to cross on a tightrope. The walk took 20 minutes on a 1100-foot, 3-inch diameter, manila rope. His 30-foot balancing pole weighed 40 pounds. That summer he made 8 more crossings , one carrying his manager (see photo) and the next year pushing a wheelbarrow.
And then there is Maria Spelterini who in 1876 became the first female tightrope walker. One one occasion she walked from the American side to the Canadian side and back again! Another time she skipped across, and yet another time she did it blindfolded. But the most noteworthy trip was when she walked across with peach baskets attached to her feet (see photo, click to enlarge).
For a supurb write-up of these and many other daredevils, check out