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Black Canyon of the Gunnison

Posted by on August 1, 2017

Located 15 miles east of Montrose in western Colorado, the Black Canyon is a National Park whose name comes from the fact that parts of it receive only 33 minutes of sun per day. In 1882, after a year of construction of the 15-mile track, a narrow gauge railroad started service. The track had no more than 1/4 mile as it’s longest straight line. It was abandoned in 1955.  In 1901, after  having failed the previous year, the Torrence expedition set out to locate a site for diversion tunnels to utilize the Gunnison River to irrigate the valley. Although successful, the tunnel did not open until 1909. (Click to enlarge all photos.)

Day 1 Pelton/Torrence Failed 1900 Expedition


The Narrows 1900 and 1916 (Kolb Expedition)






Chipeta Falls 1883



Exclamation Point 1900 and with early tourists















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